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I am both grateful and surprised by The Preclinical Guide. It's truly a phenomenal book. I just wished I knew about it sooner. I could have used some of the study tips [earlier] because they are applicable to any subject. It would have saved me time and the stress I went through with before exam time. I especially liked that the book tackled burning questions I had on how to do well in particular preclinical classes. The book gave the confidence I needed as a first-year medical become an academically strong medical student.
Cidney L. 
1st Year Med Student

After mind mapping, taking notes on the computer, taking notes on a tablet, pre-reading lecture notes, making diagrams, I was lost on how to study because each method was simply too time consuming. Your methods from this books is working for me and giving me hope that having a life in medical school is possible! I have tried 10+ study methods gathered over the internet, from my classmates, and even from other books to study for medical school. So far your system has worked best for me and it has led to a significant increase in my grades and confidence.

Frank Y. 
2nd Year Med Student

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The tools and tips in the bundle are invaluable. If you are a first-year med student like myself or in your clinical rotations, this book is a precursor toward a successful medical career. I was trying to find my study niche and this book helped me do just that. I look forward to seeing the results after apply these methods.
Nina L. 
1st Year Med Student
I Bought Your Preclinical Guide and It Is Amazing! I Can't Wait To Try [The Techniques] Out
Boyd G. 
1st Year Med Student
Loved the books in the bundle! The information was condensed and very easy to understand/implement. I love that there wasn’t a lot of extra fluff or information put in there that detracted from the core information. It’s super helpful and bringing up so much information that I hadn’t thought of or covered before. A bit annoying to realize that I’ve kind of been studying wrong/suboptimally my entire academic career, but better late than never to start what works best for me.
Ashna T
Pre-Med Student
This book not only helps students who are starting med school —it can also be really useful for M3s and M4s like me. I’ve enhanced my study strategy! I’m now on my way to becoming a more efficient student, so a million times thank you. I 100% recommend this book to anyone who wants to get the most out of med school... and life outside of it
Alma R. 
4th Year Med Student
I spent the last few days researching how to actually study in medical school and I came across your stuff... I read The Preclinical Guide and Study Tools.. what I felt while reading the text is nothing short of disbelief. How did I not know about these methods sooner? Not during my undergrad, graduate school and at least not yet in medical school has anyone ever attempted to teach students how to learn the material efficiently. So for your enlightenment, I say thank you.
Marty Y.
1st Year Med Student
I got an A overall my first semester of medical school by following the study techniques in the Preclinical Guide! But more importantly, this way of approaching medicine redefined success to me, where I don’t have to sacrifice my peace of mind to succeed. Thank you so much!
Diana G
1st Year Med Student
